Laravel Webapplications &
WordPress Webdesign

The Laravel-Framework and the Vue.js-Framework complement each other very well and offer many advantages when used together.

I have been working with Laravel since 2016 (at that time as a full-stack developer) and can support your web applications with the corresponding experience and speed. Good documentation goes without saying for me.

Laravel gets along very well with the frontend framework VUE(.js), so my main focus is on this solution. However, I am also happy to look after your legacy frameworks like jQuery/Bootstrap . I also like to work my way into new technologies like REACT or NEXT .

PACS and DICOM Services

Due to my broad business portfolio I can offer you turnkey solutions on an on-premise as well as on a cloud basis - for example:

  • Complete web applications based on Laravel+VUE
  • Requirements engineering / business analysis (so that your application really meets the requirements of the real world)
  • API Design
  • Database design
  • Hosting: Linux/Ubuntu Systemen

Webdesign / WordPress

Even though web design is not my primary focus, I can offer you solid solutions for representative online presences in cooperation with my colleague Tim Manhalter ( We work with the globally proven WordPress CMS - but can implement any individualisation request and are also happy to organise professional photo shoots of your location or staff. . .

