PACS & DICOM Solutions

The abbreviation DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. It is an open standard for storing and exchanging information in medical image data management.
This information can be, for example, digital images, additional information such as segmentations, surface definitions or image registrations. DICOM standardises both the format for storing the data and the communication protocol for exchanging it.


In medicine, a Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) is an image archiving and communication system based on digital computers and networks.

PACS capture digital image data from all modalities in radiology and nuclear medicine. In principle, images from other imaging procedures, such as endoscopy, cardiology, pathology and microbiology, can also be considered for PACS processing.
Often, for pragmatic reasons, findings are also stored as embedded PDFs on PACS systems or archives.

I have been working with data from the healthcare sector for over 10 years and have successfully implemented many interfaces for a wide range of customer requirements. I am happy to implement your requirements for the retrieval, transport, transformation and processing of medical data.

PACS and DICOM Services

PACS operation, maintenance and troubleshooting

Put the PACS of your clinic in professional hands, from my professional career I am particularly familiar with the solutions Orthanc PACS (Open-Source) und anderen kommerziellen PACS Lösungen vertraut.

PACS / DICOM solutions for AI service providers

As a provider of AI solutions in the healthcare sector, you probably want to concentrate on the analysis & evaluation of the image data - I would be happy to take care of the correct transport of the source data from the PACS or the modality into your system. Also the return transport of the findings in the desired format (DICOM, PDF, HL7,...) of the customers is no problem!

Individuelle Lösungen auf Python Basis (pyDICOM / pyNetDicom)

If you are developing a system with novelty value and need highly specialised solutions for the processing of DICOM user or metadata, I can offer you individual solutions based on Python. Gladly also as a server-based on-premise or cloud solution!

